Monday, October 4, 2010

My 40th Birthday party!

Started celebrating early for my Nov 28th milestone but why not?? It's a biggie and i am looking forward to it! Got my crop buddies together at our LSS for an all day crop what's better? How great is this cake? Edible chocolate pictures too!! These are my peeps!

My bestie Jen who helped throw a great party and she got me....
This amazing mini polaroid OMG awesome you must check it out!!! and I love the angel from my friend Kim another thing to check out by Kelly Rae Roberts.

Love this scarf and bracelet!!



  1. Sorry abouth the layout of this post blogger was cranky with me why do pics post backwards and you can't move them easy??

  2. Looks like you had a great day!! wish I was there!!

  3. Oh 40. Big whoop. You are still a baby. I am looking at fffff fifty. Yikes I can hardly say it yet. :)
    Loved that angel too. Very cool and the scarf is just spot on current. Lucky you. Thanks for linking your fun up to Motivated Monday at Becolorful.

  4. welcome to the 40's club! looks like you had a fun time. i hope this decade is one of your best. i'm 43 and still can't believe i am in the club!


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