Dec daily 2011, a set on Flickr.
On Saturday and Monday this week I had the honor of doing 2 photo shoots that touched my heart. While doing December Daily I always try to remember to be grateful and enjoy the whole month with my kids so that Christmas isn't just about presents. This is what I love about Dec Daily it's not just scrapbooking it's so much more if you let it be. The young boy is Luke a 12 year old twin and he is fighting for his life with neuroblastoma. And Danny is 28 and has a severe brain injury from a motorcycle accident in 2007. I cannot begin to imagine what these families go through daily but i hope I made a small difference in giving them these memories to hold on to. On the back of the pictures is just a little story about each of these wonderful people who have made me a better person. Click picture or link to enlarge.
Gorgeous photos and I love that they are in black and white. Thank you for the reminder that some families are struggling to cope with the everyday, day after day.