Tuesday, December 13, 2011

December daily ~ Day 13

12 Days of Books...They have 12 Christmas books, someday i hope to make it 25 but i am okay with just 12 that works for us right now. I plan to scan the cover of the Littlest Christmas tree and a page from it ( don't think I didn't think to just rip it right out and go buy a new one!!) I really loved it!


  1. love your page and love the journaling on the photo -- is that your handwriting or did you do that digitally? If so == what is the font?

  2. Hi Heather LOL love the name...THats my handwriting thanks for the compliment :) made my day when son is home sick with stomach virus :(

  3. They look so peacefully and joyful reading together.
    Nice work!


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